5 predictions on the future of databases (from a guy who knows databases)


Michael Stonebraker is a lightning rod in the database world. He knows his stuff, having helped create some of the most-popular database systems around — Postgres, Ingres and Vertica. One of his most-recent endeavors (among many), VoltDB, is an in-memory OLTP (online transaction processing) system he claims is two orders of magnitude faster than legacy options.

Yet, Stonebraker’s opinions throughout the years have been fairly controversial, garnering support on one hand and vehement opposition on the other. In 2011, for example, he told me that Facebook was trapped in a MySQL “fate worse than death” — and, boy, the backlash came fast and furious.

Stonebraker came on our Structure Show podcast this week to talk about his assessment of the database market as it stands today, including the fate of NoSQL, Oracle and, yes, Facebook’s MySQL installation. Here are some of the highlights, but if anyone into building…

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